How To Properly Clean Your Hair Tools
From leftover styling product on your flat iron to a dirt-clogged blow dryer, slacking on properly cleaning your tools can wreak havoc on not only their ability to prettify you, but also the health of your hair. Here’s the lowdown on the best way to scrub down your curling irons, combs, rollers, and everything in between.
While your blow dryer might look innocent (and clean!) enough, germs lurk in the less-obvious portion of the tool — the back vent. And, because you’re probably shelling out a pretty penny on one (it’s worth it!), it makes it that much more important to take care of. So, how do you go about tackling these hidden dirt balls?
Some dryers have a back panel that you can twist off and pop off. Once you’ve done that, simply take a microfiber cloth and wipe [it] clean. If, for some reason, that vent won’t budge, he adds, A quick tip is to use the nozzle part of a vacuum to suck up all the dust and dirt! Genius.
Whether you use combs daily or just once in a while, it’s kind of hard not to notice the numerous hairs that get stuck in the teeth. Hairs that, we’re sure, aren’t necessarily just-out-of-the-shower clean.
In order to truly get rid of the gunk that lingers, try soaking your comb in water and shampoo and then rinsing and drying. For gooey stubborn buildup that’s still there afterwards, try mixing equal parts of vinegar and warm water together. Spray onto your comb, let sit for 5 minutes, and then rinse.
Those hairs that lurk in your comb are even more present in the bristles of your brush — and, in a greater number. We recommend first pulling the hairs away by taking a comb through the brush. If the hair is too tough to remove this way, use a pair of scissors to cut the hair on the brush without cutting any bristles. The hair should be easy to remove after this.
Once you get all of the stray strands out, wash the brushes with a cleansing or clarifying shampoo. You can either air dry them or use a blow dryer to speed up the process.
Most of the buildup on curling irons and flat irons can be removed by wiping the barrel or plates down with a microfiber cloth and some water. Dab a cotton swab in some water to get to those weird crevices. For curling irons, don’t forget to clean the inside of the clamp if there is one, also! One last pro tip? For extremely hard to remove buildup, try cleaning them with a microfiber cloth while the tool is on the lowest heat setting. Remember to take precaution and use a heat-safe glove for extra protection.
Velcro rollers should get a similar treatment to brushes. First, remove the hairs and then follow with a clarifying shampoo wash. Alternately, plastic rollers can be treated like combs. Soak in water with added shampoo and follow with a vinegar solution to get rid of any excess dirt or oil.
Items like the hard-to-keep-track-of accessories like bobby pins can be thrown away (if you use them a lot, he suggests buying them in bulk at your local beauty supply store for a more cost-effective and sanitary solution). As for other items: Pin curls, duck bill clamps, and most hair clips can be soaked in a cleansing or clarifying shampoo mixture with warm water.
Done and done, now feel free to go forth with glamming up your mane — guilt and dirt free!